Charles County Detention Center


  • Charles County, Maryland was faced with a failing roof system on their Main County Jail and Annex buildings. Budget constraints and delays linked to the traditional design, bid, build scenario were negatively impacting the County’s ability to resolve this critical issue in a timely manner. Identifying a partner with both technical solutions and creative procurement strategies became increasingly important to the success of this project. 


  • Charles County needed a new roof, maintenance, and an addition to their facilities. We collaborated with the client to deliver the assets as needed and within significant access constraints, limited to the exterior of the building.

  • The project involved a high-security facility, operating 24/7. Coordination was essential as access inside the building was restricted, requiring all operations to be managed from the roof.

  • Compounding the logistical challenges were the stringent security protocols mandating searches of all materials and team members upon entry and exit. These heightened security measures markedly decreased the daily work time on the property.

  • To prevent any potential leaks, safety concerns, or security issues, we maintained close communication and collaboration with those on-site, ensuring thorough coordination and adherence to protocols. 


  • Coordinating man power, materials, and equipment from the roof, our team’s communication was unparalleled, enabling us to efficiently handle the workload of both the main jail and annex.

  • Completed ahead of time and within budget.

  • By participating in multiple cooperative purchasing contracts, Patuxent facilitated a streamlined procurement process. This allowed for the completion of design, provision of construction services, and full re-roofing of both facilities within budget and significantly ahead of the schedule typically encountered with traditional procurement methods. 

Key Statistics

  • New roofing system for the main jail and annex
  • ModBit Membrane – cold applied
  • Size – 115,000 sqft
  • Contract Value – $3,139,659
  • Project Duration – 6 Months
  • Location – La Plata, MD

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Need emergency service or interested in learning more about how we can keep your building watertight?